brightness of the star - translation to russian
Online Dictionary

brightness of the star - translation to russian

Solar luminosities; Sun luminosity; Luminosity of the Sun; Solar luminositys; Solar brightnesses; Solar brightness; The brightness of the Sun; The Sun's brightness; Brightness of the Sun; Sun's brightness; The power of the Sun; The Sun's power; Sun's power; Power of the Sun; The Sun's luminosity; The luminosity of the Sun; Sun's luminosity; L☉
  •  contribution-url= }}</ref>

brightness of the star      
яркость звезды
Star-of-Bethlehem; Star-of-Bethlehem (flower); Star-of-Bethlehem (botany); Star of Bethlehem (plant); Star of Bethlehem (song); The Star of Bethlehem (film)


хустония голубая (Houstonia coerulea)

птицемлечник жестковолосый (Ornithogalum hirsutum)

птицемлечник зонтичный (Ornithogalum umbellatum)

the Star-Spangled Banner         
  • Play}}
  • One of two surviving copies of the 1814 broadside printing of the "Defence of Fort M'Henry", a poem that later became the lyrics of "The Star-Spangled Banner", the national anthem of the United States
  • An artist's rendering of the battle at Fort McHenry
  • A memorial to [[John Stafford Smith]] in [[Gloucester Cathedral]], [[Gloucester]], England
  • Defence}} of Fort M'Henry" poem. It is now on display at the [[Maryland Historical Society]].
  • (1944)
  • ''O'er the ramparts we watch'' in a 1945 [[United States Army Air Forces]] poster
  • Pennsylvania Avenue]] where "The Star-Spangled Banner" was first publicly sung
  • (1940)
  • Star-Spangled Banner]]" that inspired the poem
  • Plaque detailing how the custom of standing during the U.S. national anthem came about in Tacoma, Washington, on October 18, 1893, in the Bostwick building
  • work=Washington Examiner}}</ref>
  • Crowd performing the U.S. national anthem before a baseball game at [[Coors Field]]
Star spangle banner; Star Spangled Banner; Star-Spangled Banner; Star-Bangled Banner; Defence of Fort M'Henry; Defence of Fort McHenry; Defense of Fort M'Henry; Defense of Fort McHenry; The star-spangled banner; Star Spangeled Banner; Star Spangaled Banner; Star-spangled banner; Star-spangled; The Star-Spangeld Banner; In Defense of Fort McHenry; The Star-spangled Banner; American national anthem; United States national anthem; United States National Anthem; US anthem; National anthem of the United States of America; US National Anthem; Tssb; The land of the free and the home of the brave; National Anthem of the United States of America; U.S. National Anthem; Star Spangeld Banner; Star spangled banner; America's National Anthem; U.S.A. National Anthem; USA National Anthem; The United States National Anthem; National Anthem of the United States; American National Anthem; The official national anthem of the United States; The national anthem of america; Anthem of the USA; Star-Spangeled Banner; National Anthem of the USA; Land of the free and the home of the brave; US national anthem; The Star Spangled Banner; National anthem of the United States; USA anthem; The Defense of Fort McHenry; The National Anthem of the United States of America; The National Anthem (United States); The Star Spangled Banner (Beyoncé Knowles song); Anthem of the United States; National anthem of the united states; U.S. national anthem; The US National Anthem; In the land of the free and the home of the brave; The SSB; Flag was still there; U.S. anthem
Звездное знамя (государственный флаг и гимн США)


Морнинг Стар
("Мо́рнинг Стар")

английская ежедневная прогрессивная газета. Основана в 1930 в Лондоне. До апреля 1966 выходила под названием "Дейли уоркер" ("Daily Worker") как орган Коммунистической партии Великобритании. Издаётся кооперативным издательским обществом "Морнинг стар кооператив сосайети, лимитед", а также за счёт добровольных взносов читателей. Ведёт борьбу за жизненные интересы английских трудящихся, против антинародной политики монополистического капитала, выступает за объединение всех левых сил в борьбе за мир и безопасность народов.


Solar luminosity

The solar luminosity (L), is a unit of radiant flux (power emitted in the form of photons) conventionally used by astronomers to measure the luminosity of stars, galaxies and other celestial objects in terms of the output of the Sun.

One nominal solar luminosity is defined by the International Astronomical Union to be 3.828×1026 W. This does not include the solar neutrino luminosity, which would add 0.023 L, or 8.8×1024 W, i.e. a total of 3.916×1026 W (the mean energy of the solar photons is 26 MeV and that of the solar neutrinos 0.59 MeV, i.e. 2.27%; the Sun emits 9.2×1037 photons and as many neutrinos each second, of which 6.5×1014 per m2 reach the Earth each second). The Sun is a weakly variable star, and its actual luminosity therefore fluctuates. The major fluctuation is the eleven-year solar cycle (sunspot cycle) that causes a quasi-periodic variation of about ±0.1%. Other variations over the last 200–300 years are thought to be much smaller than this.

Pronunciation examples for brightness of the star
1. precise measurements of brightness of the star.
Sara Seager _ Talks at Google
2. the brightness of the star decreases in a predictable way.
Searching for Life in the Solar System _ Alfonso Davila _ Talks at Google
3. we can monitor the brightness of the star. And as the planet goes across, the star just
Keck Observatory _ Taft Armandroff _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of brightness of the star
1. The extraordinary brightness of the star attracted the interest of astronomers at Berkeley and the University of Texas at Austin.